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Amethyst Druse UR Polished

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Amethyst is a purple gem from the quartz family. Its characteristic colour, whose intensity may differ, is influenced by ionizing radiation on a small admixture of iron compounds. The mineral occurs in basalts, where it forms large crystal fillings of cavities.

Druses are aggregates of crystals on the surface of a rock or mineral. These amethyst druses come from the Artigas department in Uruguay, which is a location characteristic for amethysts with dark purple colour and calcite formations growing on the surface of their crystals. In general, Uruguayan amethysts are typical for their stalactite growths. Beside purple, you can find druses in other shades than purple - like black or grey. Druses have polished edges and mostly rounded shapes.

About the product: The product is sold by weight; the price is per 1 kg. The weight of the druses ranges approx. from 1 to 4 kg. Due to the nature of the product, only pallet shipping is available.