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Serpentine Bead Faceted

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Jadeite is a green to grey-green mineral, which used to be popular in making statuettes and decorative objects. Nations like the Olmecs or the Chinese valued jadeite even more than gold and other precious stones. However, in China, the famous emerald-green variety from Burma called imperial jade competes with the price of diamonds even today. Our raw material is from Canada.

If we look at its chemical structure, jadeite is a silicate of aluminium, iron and sodium. It belongs to the group of pyroxenes.

About the product: The bracelets are made from beads 4,8 or 10 mm. The bracelets are sold either individually or in a package with 2, 3 or 5 pieces. You can choose a package for a reduced price. The bracelets are 19 cm long.