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Fluorite Yellow Cut Point

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Fluorite, aka calcium fluoride, is a widespread mineral which forms mainly in hydrothermal veins. It is a very fragile stone requiring special treatment; it needs to be polished manually because standard tumble machines would break it. Fluorite catches one’s eye with its astonishing colour palette. There are shades of green, blue, purple, pink or even yellow. Its colours often alternate in zones. Quality raw yellow fluorite is from an area on Mongolia-China border. In the past, people considered the yellow colour a result of the small admixture of iron compounds. New research, however, attributes the colour to the defects in the structure of the crystal. Most of yellow fluorites are translucent, and only sometimes a transparent, gem-quality piece pops up at the market.

Special conditions/ treatment: Rainbow fluorite is extremely prone to all kinds of damage, a temperature shock can cause it to crack. Also, do not put the stone on the direct sunlight and avoid cleaning it with chemical detergents.

Use: Fluorite points can be charming interior decorations as well as valuable pieces of your mineralogical collection.

About the product: Fluorite has been cut and smoothed out into a shape of a crystal point. Its base has been cut flat to make it stand solidly. The product is sold by weight; the price is per 1 kg. Points are approximately 6 - 9 cm high.