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Seraphinite AA Chips
Seraphinite is also called the Angel stone. It catches one’s eye with its grey-green to green-black colour highlighted by a silky lustre. You may sometimes find pieces with striking patterns resembling a bird’s feather. This rare mineral can be found in a single deposit – the Lake Baikal area in Russia. If we look at its chemical structure, seraphinite is a gemstone variety of clinochlore, which is chlorite from a group of silicates resembling micas.
About the product: The bracelets are made from irregular tiny gemstones. The bracelets are sold in a package with 3 or 5 pieces. You can choose a package with 30 pieces for a reduced price. The bracelets are 19 cm long.
About the product: The bracelets are made from irregular tiny gemstones. The bracelets are sold in a package with 3 or 5 pieces. You can choose a package with 30 pieces for a reduced price. The bracelets are 19 cm long.