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Rock Crystal Geode

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Rock crystal is one of the most expensive and most popular gemstones, which has been known to people since ancient times. If we look at its chemical structure, it is the purest, limpid variety of crystalline quartz. Rock crystal is deposited in many localities all over the world, the most known is in Minas Geraís in Brazil.

Geodes are spherical rocks that contain hollow cavities lined with crystals. Geodes are cut in half so their charming interior can be seen. Their origin is in Morocco, where geodes hide within rock sediments. Most often they come in globular shape with limestone on their surface. On the inside the geodes are filled with glittering crystals of rock crystal or chalcedony. They often form astonishing cave formations.

Use: Rock crystal geodes are charming interior adornments. They are also suitable for mineralogist collections and exhibitions.

About the product: We sell the product by weight; the price is per 1 kg. We offer this product in size 8 - 10 cm and bigger pieces above 10 cm (up to approx. 30 cm). Geodes are usually not in pairs.