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Tiger's Eye Jumbo

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Tiger’s eye is a quartz with fibres of crocidolite asbestos growing in its structure. The stone is formed by a several centimetre-thick vein hidden in a brown quartzite. To reach tiger’s eye, a large portion of the parent rock must be mined first – only then tiger’s eye unveils.

Stone´s uniqueness: Tiger’s eye is famous for its yellow to yellow-brown colour and a silk lustre. The design of the stone makes it perfect for exclusive jewellery and statuettes production.

Special conditions/ treatment: There is no need for special handling with tiger’s eye.

About the product: We offer big tumbled stones in size XXL+ and Jumbo. Under size XXL+ we classify stones with weight up to 150 g, Jumbo stones are above 150 g. Both variants are available only in 5 kg package.