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Tiger`s Eye Multicolor Tumbled Pendant

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Multicoloured tiger’s eye combines a blue tiger´s eye and tiger’s eye. It is a mineral with alternating blue and green banded lines, which make it perfect for jewellery and statuettes production. There are only a few deposits in the world, with the Doorn Mountains in South Africa as the most famous one. Our raw material is from the Doorn Mountains too. If we look at its chemical structure, tiger’s eye is quartz with fibres of crocidolite asbestos (fibrous variety of riebeckite or magnesio-riebeckite) growing in its structure.

About the product: To make pendants we use our tumbled stones in size M and S and quality jewelry components made in Czech republic. The locket bail is made of silver plated brass and it does not contain nickel. The pendants are packed in plastic bags with 10 pieces each, but you can also choose a 100 pcs package for and advantageous price. Pendants in size S are available only in the bulk package.