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Carnelian Botswana

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Carnelians usually come in yellow, reddish or red-brown shades, which are a product of their hematite admixtures. Carnelian has been known for ages and people considered it a precious stone already in ancient times. This piece is from Botswana.

Carnelian uniqueness: Carnelian from Botswana is highly demanded on the market. It stands out with its red-orange colour, and you can find it in deposits in semi-deserts of eastern Botswana. However, the country has banned the export of raw minerals. As the technological progress in Botswana has not advanced too much, their carnelians are a big rarity on the market.

Use: Mini tumbled stones (chips) are used for the production of various decorative items and ornamental mosaics. Size up to 5 mm is also suitable as filling for small glass bottles.

About the product: We offer this product in 1 kg or 5 kg package; some "chips" are available in both variants. The product is packed in firm plastic bags.